So you actually enjoy being a mom, experience more peace, balance and purpose, and know that your parenting is making a difference.


As moms, the constant stream of outside advice on how to “have it all” and parent your child well seems never ending. Yet, what I’ve learned is that there is “no one way” to motherhood that works for everyone, it truly is your and your child’s unique journey. Finding meaning and purpose in motherhood while also knowing you are making a positive impact on your child is something you deeply crave.



With This Guide You’ll Learn:

What you’re about to learn in this guidebook is the foundation for the tried, true and tested framework I created to transform my parenting journey from surviving to thriving years ago and still use today. With this framework, I can fully embrace joy, achieve harmony, recover and repair when I have missteps, live purposefully and make a meaningful impact in my kiddos lives... and you can have that too.

Consider this Human Design Motherhood Guidebook your jumpstart to a new and improved motherhood roadmap. Gone are the days spent wondering what you’re doing wrong or grinning-and-bearing motherhood. Instead, you will learn how to live in your essence, make aligned decisions for you and your child, and carve your path to a transformed motherhood experience.

This framework has helped me and the mothers I work with change their lives using Human Design. I am so excited you to start…

I am with you every step of the way!

Does this sound like you?

  • You are a mom, and wow ... it’s a lot harder than you imagined. Despite trying SO hard to follow all of the parenting guru advice, none of it seems to make a lasting impact on your parenting OR how you experience motherhood.

  • You have big dreams and while being a mom is part of that.. it's not everything... you want to live your soul's purpose and continue to pursue your calling too.

  • You feel angry at motherhood sometimes.. but we aren’t supposed to say that right? Since we are supposed to “savor every moment,” you often stuff your true feelings about how you really feel.

  • You are desperate to understand how to parent your child in a way that won’t “ruin” them or have them in therapy to recover from their childhood... but my gosh they are “out of control” sometimes and you are often left wondering what you are doing wrong. Will it always be this hard?

  • You want to be good at this and you want to be happy. You want to balance it all better... motherhood, work, friendships, relationships and your needs but feel overwhelmed by the thought of how to do that.

    If any of these make you think, “OMG how does she know?” then you are in the right place and this guidebook will be the beginning of your motherhood transformation.

    I know because I have been there too. I spent three years struggling to enjoy motherhood and parent my daughter in a meaningful way and make positive, lasting impact. Then I discovered Human Design and BOOM my life completely changed and so did motherhood. I finally faced my true feelings about being a mom, healed from my wounds (anger, resentment, fear, shame and more) and began carving the path to MY OWN motherhood journey.

    Now I teach moms how to transform their lives and experience of motherhood from the inside out just like I did.



Hey there, I’m Kimberly!

6/2 Sacral Generator, Certified Coach, Certified Human Design Guide,
Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, and Mama

I help moms of young children transform their parenting journey from surviving to thriving, leveraging The Human Design System so that they can fully embrace joy, achieve harmony, live purposefully and make a meaningful impact in their children's lives.

As a mom of two young children, I understand how difficult it can seem to give your kids everything they need while also following the call of your soul to do your work in the world. I'm a big believer that the world would be a better place if mothers had the resources and support they need to uncover and step into the best version of themselves, and help their children to do the same.

Moms have the most incredible and unique opportunity to make this happen if they themselves have the tools to live a purpose-filled, meaningful life and understand how to raise their child in an individuated way.

I love showing moms what’s truly possible when they step into their own aligned life and truly enjoy parenting.

Let's do this...together!